Research on Control, Stochastic Control, Synchronization and Noise-Induced Synchronization of Nonautonomous Chaotic Systems; A nonlinear closed-loop feedback control scheme is presented. 典型非自治混沌系统的控制与随机控制及同步同时提出了一种非线性闭环反馈的控制方法并对此控制方法进行了仿真。
H_ ∞ state feedback control for networked control system with time-delay and packet dropout 具有时延和丢包的网络控制系统H∞状态反馈控制
This paper deals with the problem of the robust feedback control of affine nonlinear systems with uncertain exogenous dynamics. 研究了含不确定外动态的仿射非线性系统的鲁棒反馈控制问题。
Feedback control method is used to solve implicit difference equation in this paper. 提出了采用反馈控制方法求解隐式差分方程的方法。
This paper deals with the methods of finite-dimensional feedback control and synchronization. 研究了基于有限维反馈控制与同步的方法。
Asymptotic Behavior of a Nonautonomous Volterra System with Feedback Control and Time Delay 具有反馈控制和时滞的非自治Volterra系统的渐近性质
A novel inverter control system based on state feedback control and repetitive control is presented. 提出了一种基于状态反馈控制和重复控制的新型逆变电源系统。
A rotate speed negative feedback control is adopted according to the design request of the system, which improves the system's accuracy and stabilization. 根据系统的设计要求,选择了转速负反馈控制,提高了系统的精度和稳定度;
We present a framework for the stability problem in a class of multi-agent systems with local-global feedback control. 本文提出了一类基于局部-整体反馈控制的多个体系统稳定性问题的框架。
State Feedback Control Design in Robotic Systems 机器人系统中的状态反馈控制器设计
Synchronization of a Critical Chaotic System via Combining Drive and Delayed Feedback Control 一个临界混沌系统的驱动和时滞反馈控制同步
Single Parameter Linear Feedback Control for a New Chaotic System 一个新的混沌系统的单参数线性反馈控制
A device introduced into a feedback control system to improve performance and achieve stability. 一种为改善系统性能和提高稳定性而加入反馈控制系统中的装置。
In the scheme, only one feedback control is required regardless of the order of the system. 一般地,同步设计中的两个系统分别被称为驱动系统和响应系统。
Based on feedback control theory, a trajectory-tracking controller is designed, so the tracking performance of system has the global stability and the independent control of both position and orientation for a mobile robot is realized. 根据回馈控制理论,设计了跟踪控制器,使系统具有良好的全局稳定性,实现了移动机器人的位置和方位的独立跟踪。
A new stability analysis approach for quantized feedback control system 一种新的量化反馈控制系统稳定性分析方法
This course uses computer-aided design methodologies for synthesis of multivariable feedback control systems. 本课程使用电脑辅助设计法则来合成多变数回授控制系统。
An intelligent AC contactor with feedback control is proposed in this thesis. 本文提出一种带反馈控制的智能交流接触器。
The feedback control strategy is designed based on the relation between passivity and stability. 根据稳定性和无源性之间的关系,设计出反馈控制规律。
Time-delayed feedback control method based on genetic algorithm is proposed by combining genetic algorithm with time-delayed feedback control method. 该文将遗传算法与混沌的延迟反馈控制方法相结合,提出了基于遗传算法的延迟反馈控制方法。
Study on Robust Parameter Design with Feedback Control 基于反馈控制的稳健性参数设计方法研究
The problem of robust decentralized output feedback control of uncertain similar composite system is discussed. 讨论了不确定相似组合系统的鲁棒分散输出控制问题。
Study on the Output Feedback Control of Non-holonomic Systems 一类非完整系统的输出反馈控制问题研究
Tracking to arbitrary signals in bounded Unified's chaotic system is realized by nonlinear feedback control. 利用非线性反馈控制,实现统一混沌系统在有界条件下对任意信号的追踪。
Linear Feedback Control for Lorenz-Like System Lorenz-like系统的线性反馈控制
Predatorprey model with feedback control and type II functional response function is investigated. 研究了具有反馈控制与第二类功能性反应函数的周期捕食-食饵模型。
Adaptive output feedback control of a class of multiple-input multiple-output systems is considered in the presence of unknown disturbances. 研究了一类有未知扰动的多输入多输出系统的自适应输出反馈控制。
Effects of yaw rate feedback control law on handling and stabilities of automobiles with Steer-by-Wire are researched. 研究了横摆角速度反馈控制律对线控转向汽车操纵稳定性的影响。
We analyze the working principle and technical characteristics of the feedback control loop in this power supply in detail. 对电源中的反馈控制回路的工作原理和技术特点进行了详细分析。
A linear state error feedback control technique is utilized to synchronize two coupling cantilever beam system. 研究了一类利用线性状态误差反馈控制方法耦合的非自治悬臂振动系统的全局混沌同步。